1/4/2021 – Debate against East Hill Girls High School.

On the 1st April 2021, first speaker Gamy, second speaker Salsabeel, counselor Yusra, and I (third speaker) as well as our coach Mr. Davidson headed to East Hill Girls to compete against the group of debaters there. The topic for the overall tournament was education, and the debate question was, “Mindfulness meditation should be compulsory […]

1/04/2021- BGHS debate against EHGTHS

Today, we went to debate against East Hills Girls Technology High School, with the topic revolving around education. Then, we got the topic and our second option was chosen “Mindfulness Meditation should be compulsory in all secondary schools”. We were the affirmative team, Gamy was 1st speaker, I was 2nd speaker, Banen was 3rd speaker […]