Fairvale high school vs Birrong girls high school; YEAR 10 debate

On the 21st of July, a Monday, The Year10 debating team at Birrong girls high school had made a valiant and close effort debating against the team at Fairvale high school. Even after exchanging competittive glances and collaborating well with our most critical efforts, Birrong girls had lost close to the team at Fairvale, whom were some of the nicest students from one of the nicest school I had ever seen. Our topic was politics, debating that day on whether or not it would be best suited for the interest of citizens if a political representative in parliment was to resign or pass, would someone be voted in their place. Our team that day consisted of Ibtisam, Rabia, Cedra and myself. The team worked incredibly well that day, becoming highly productive as we discussed and learnt about a topic neither had any idea about, learning as we went along but grasping the concept well. Our adjudicator was a very kind person and gave our points equal praise and criticism. I acknowledge asking so many rhetorical questions and not being as clear with my techniques as i should have as a potential weakness i have improved on since then. Our first speaker was Cedra, who was excellent with her introduction and is what i would consider a fantastic first speaker. Her introduction was well said and brought a lot of points, fleshing them out before we can fully continue and making her time well spent. Next was me, and i have since improved from last time with my rebuttal and combated the team well that day. Lastly was Rabia, who capped off our arguments well, but was weak with her rebuttal only because the points I had written were to messy for her to read. Our adjudicator wasn’t pernicious nor stern, fair with how well we had tried on the debate but how missing one mark was a loss on our behalf. Even with how our team lost that day, we walked out of fairvale quite happy. with the ability to say that our discussions were stable, thorough and mature.

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