Sefton high school vs Birrong girls high school; YEAR 10 debate

On the 10th of August, a Thursday, Birrong girls’ own year 10 debating team had made their way to Sefton high school, roughly holding together our efforts to put up a debate. We were to try our best that day, with the topic being medical care, our debate being about the morality of a parent entrusting their child with a doctor during a procedure that may be seen as anything a parent would find controversial. Farah, Lina, Ibtisam and I were given the ability to debate for this topic, saying that doctors should be allowed to conduct, but were met with a structural debate that left us defeated once again. Our adjudicator was another very smart and kind person, explaining her elucidation to us and giving us a very important concept; the concept of starting with your first speaker as your most critical and stand alone point before straying into the different arguments, instead of all members working on their own, different points, the structure allows for a ore stable and easy pathway to teamwork. We all thought that the opposing team made excellent points and was very focused and serious into what they were saying. Our first speaker, Lina, had a relatively short argument, but did incredibly well with her teamwork when we were in the mode of scaffolding and planning out our arguments for the debate. As usual, i was sectioned to second speaker, appreciative of what the adjudicator was saying about my arguments and acknowledging that I could’ve been doing better with how my arguments came about. Our last speaker was Farah, whom most of the confidence that day resided in. Even if she wasn’t able to speak her conclusion, she was fully aware of her surroundings and managed to make a solid rebuttal, argument and makeshift conclusion in the minutes she had. We were able to have a tour of the school afterwards, as a bonus for being able to debate with their team that day, which I had found rather informative when it came down to how different schools functioned.

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