Hello, my name is Husna. I am super grateful to be a part of the debating team and I am pleased with the team that I am working with, as well as our mentor Mr. Davidson. I can’t wait to work alongside all of my team-mates and do our team proud.

For our first mini-debate, I reckon my strong points were confidence and my loud clear voice. I am excited to develop on those skills. I reckon what I could have done better is have better structure to my arguments, as to me it felt I was going on a rant and speaking before thinking. I also want to improve upon my conclusion, and improve upon the way I directly speak to the opposing team and the person I’m rebutting. I hope that I can learnt to be quick-witted and think of an excellent rebuttal on the spot next time I’m debating.

I would appreciate another mini-debate next week so that I can engage with my team and further develop my skills before we verse another school. Thank you all.

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