The Premier’s Debating Challenge for Years 9 and 10

Welcome to the team! Q. What can we expect? A. Some frantic edgy experiences where have to think deeply, argue persuasively and deliver a meaningful performance. We will learn about each other and up skill our talents and reflect. I will be distributing some documents from TAKING THE INITIATIVE The first step is to study […]

Year 9 Debate

On the 31st of May 2022, we competed against Chester Hill High School. The topic for this debate was “The Top Students In Every Year Should Tutor The Struggling Students In The Year”. Our team fought on the affirmative side and successfully delivered our points across to the adjudicator. Our first, second, third and fourth […]

Year 11 and 12 Premier’s debating challemge

Debating Feedback. On Friday 27 May we versed Macquarie Fields High School. Our debate topic was- That we should banned single-sex schools. Birrong Girls High School was the affirmative side, Macquarie Fields was the negative side. Allie Pitt gave us feedback for our team to improve on such as attempting to engage with the other […]