Singing helps with greetings.
“Moshi, moshi, ano ne, ano ne, ano ne.
Moshi moshi, ano ne, aa soo desu ka
Arigatoo, minna san, minna san, minna san
Arigatoo minna san sayonara”
This is what Japanese breakfast is like.
Vocabulary: Write the Japanese words in Romaji
- Japanese omelette
- Soybean soup
- Soybean curd
- Fish powder
- Pickled plum
- Mini sausages (octopus-style)
- Fermented soybeans
- Let’s eat!
Grammar: Use the structure “ga suki desu” (I like) and “ga suki ja nai desu” (I don’t like)
Use words for 4 foods to say 2 sentences “I like” and 2 sentences “I don’t like”.
E.G I like sushi is “Sushi ga suki desu”
Summarise and/or paraphrase
Choose a Japanese fairytale
Who are the characters? What is the plot? How did you feel about the ending?