Lesson 11

  1. Easy Japanese conversation lessons

Go to your workbook and write out the skit

2) Sibling ages

“I am 13 years old”

Watashi was juusansai desu”

Now write in Hiragan.

Older brother – Oniisan.

Older sister – Oneesan.

Younger brother – otooto

Younger sister – imooto.

My (choose a sibling) is e.g. (17 years) old

For example, “my older brother is 17 years old.

Oniisan was juunanassi desu”

Now write in Hiragana.

3. For the next exercise you can use a chrome book or a desktop computer to find answers.


4)  一寸法師いっすんぼうし

Issun boshi

5) Find a story in Mangajin

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