Draft Assessment Task script.
- Ohayou gozaimasu OR Konnichi wa Reply (repeats)
- Ogenki desu ka? Reply (Hai, Genki desu, or Watashi was genki desu.)
- Onamae wa nan desu ka? Reply (…desu or
- Watashi no namae was …desu.))
- Hajimemashite. Deebidoson desu. Doozo yoroshiku.
Reply (Hajimashite. Doozo yoroshiku)
6. Nansai desu ka? Reply (…sai desu)
7. Doko ni sundeimasu ka? Reply (…ni sundeimasu.)
8. Okaasan wa doko kara kimashita ka? Reply (…kara kimashita.)
9. Arigatou gozaimasu. Reply (doo itashimashite)
10. Sayoonara Reply (Sayoonara)
(Marked for pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and vocabulary)
Let’s get creative with a craft activity!
Colour in the mask of an Oni
Fill in Momotaro crossword .
よこ”yoko” means down and たて”tate” means across
If you want to find a word in Hiragana from English type into Google
“Ogre in Japanese Hiragana” (You will probably also get the kanji but you know the difference)