Aboriginal Cultures and Childhood

In order to develop an understanding of how culture, identity and kinship influence the health and wellbeing of children it is vital to know a range of Dreaming Stories. Today we will look at how Dreaming Stories provide and foster a sense of identity in the context of the local country, its animals and its climatic conditions.

Traditional oral narratives not only explain the world but they also stimulate the development of empathy for other members of the community.

“Why the magpie sings at dawn” brings an engaging narrative to children that also provides a range of information links aspects of the environment to a holistic vision.

I have adapted it into a collage of Dreaming Stories.

“How the koala got its name” provides the information that koalas don’t drink water and at the same time includes information about climatic conditions, wood technology, environmental sustainability and the importance of kinship resonsibilities.

Aboriginal culture also tells stories though visual representations and maps.

Look on the catalogue for Dreaming Stories.

We will share among the class now.

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