Let’s Eat Together


The Japanese are deeply proud of their cuisine and food is an integral part of their culture, going beyond nourishment. They are always striving for perfection when it comes to food and are even seeking news ways to incorporate fusion in their foods. The people of Japan enjoy preparing traditional meals but also enjoy a culture of eating out to various restaurants in Japan. Japanese cuisine plays an important role in Australia and in this unit, students explore the world of Japanese food, how to order food and drinks, express preferences, and understand Japanese cuisine and the cultural role it plays in daily life.

Dining venues in JapanInteracting with friends – what you feel like eating/drinking and preferencesOrdering foodVocabulary Food and drink
Kaiseki restaurants
Ramen shops
Sushi restaurants
Kaiten-zishi (Sushi on the go) Curry Rice shops
Yakitori, Tempura, Tonkatsu, Nabe and Shabu Shabu  shops
Udon and Soba Noodles shops
Purchasing food at Convenience stores
American fast food chains in Japan;
McDonalds, KFC,
MOS burger
~を たべます
~を のみます
~を たべません
~を のみません
~が すき です か
~が すき です
~が すきじゃない です~が きらい です
~が だいすき です
~が だいきらい です
何 に します か?
~に しますありがとうございます    
Romaji food words
すし、てんぷら、ラメン、 おこのみやき、 みそ、 おべんとう  


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