IRP Resources & Referencing

Community & Family Studies

Background knowledge you need to have

One of the difficulties many students have with CAFS is that people tend to socialise with similar people, so they don’t get a chance to find out the issues that other people face in their lives. Two TV shows will expose you to the many different points of view that make up our society, giving you a deeper understanding of the way you need to think about the issues you study in this course. 80% of the topics are relevant to your course, so you will find lots to help you with Groups in Society and the Independent Research Project.

You should try to watch these shows every week.
Compass  6:30pm Sunday ABC1.  A show about religions and the way beliefs impact on our lives in society. Compulsory watching for any one doing CAFS . Past episodes are archived so you can still watch them or read the transcript []
SBS  Insight Tuesdays 8:30pm, Wednesday 1:00pm SBS1 Insight is a panel show about social issues. It’s one of the best places to find out what’s going on in the world because it always includes a range of views from experts and the general public. Past episodes are archived so you can still watch them or read the transcript []

Another excellent source of background information is the 

Database section of Auburn Library 

[]. If you have an Auburn Library card you can access these articles from school or home. Email Mr Davidson if you need to get an Auburn Library membership form. This is an excellent places to research for your IRP.

The NSW State Library is your next port of call.

Look at the links and consider getting a library card.


Research and Collections

Now to your IRP at Birrong!

Here are sample topics from 2021

•COVID impact on school and wellbeing (1 group)

•Social media and body image (2 groups)

•Parental-child relationships and wellbeing (1 group)

•Social Media and Wellbeing

•Influencers on social media and wellbeing

•Covid and the impact on physical and emotional wellbeing

•Stress in school and wellbeing

•Stress in school in leadership and non- leadership roles

Here are topics you gave in your Resources/Referencing lesson on 8 November 2022

Effects of social media on school children & teenagers

The impact of broken homes on adolescents

Mental health impacts of transitioning from Year 11 to Year 12

Social media and body image

Social media and mental health

The difference in stress levels between Year 7 students and Year 12 students

Do you remember the Information Skills Process from Year 7?

  1. Define


2. Locate


3. Select resources that suit your topic.

4. Organise your search results

5. Present your results

6. Assess how well you have addressed the hypothesis

Of course your teacher is involved in this process too!

Let’s search the school catalogue and reserve some books!


Referencing with APA.

(Note that for online resources you have the choice of DOI (

and URL (

Citation generators are also an option

Then there is the IRP How to Guide- For those of you that like step by step instructions

Literature Reviews

Here is the Literature Review guide form NSW TAFE Nirimba College.

(Note they used a different referencing system to Birrong)

Here is the IRP for Dummies!

Each of you now has time to explore your topic in whichever way your choose.

Be independant!

Use the exercise book and the APA template guide.

Create some bibliographic references.

Order some books using the Click and Collect option.

Make Mr Davidson run around for you!

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